Wednesday, February 11, 2015


I attended Weight Watchers a few years back. it is a great program, IF you follow it. Of course there are many GREAT programs, IF you follow them LOL.  I did well on the program but my big take away from there was that I need structure and accountability. Logging my intake is CRITICAL for me. I can't wing it. I have to know WHAT I am going to eat and WHEN I am going to eat it. 

I use Myfitness Pal to track and PLAN my daily intake.  I eat the same breakfast and lunch most every day. I have a smoothie for breakfast and I prepare them on Sunday night. I have a salad with different fixings every day for lunch. I make a big salad on Sunday and take it to work and put some in a bowl every day. I add tuna, chicken, etc on it each day to make it different. Sometimes I throw some Avocado and other things on it. I plan and pack my snacks for the week. I do all of this on Sunday.

One thing I learned in Weight Watchers that I still kind of do is,  "Put It In The Bag".  I have a big tote like bag.  I packed EVERYTHING that I can eat for that day in that bag. When the bag is EMPTY I am DONE eating.  If it isn't in the bag, then I can't have it unless I account for it and take something else OUT of the bag.  I decide how many calories I am going to eat that day (based on my predetermined caloric intake in order to lose or maintain the weight), then I plan and pack meals to satisfy that caloric number. I put it all in the bag and I know how many calories I have consumed for the day.  I carry my bag with my snacks when I go out, etc. If you have what you need with you, you don't have to look for it.

Pick a day and plan, prepare, and pack for the entire week. Know what you are eating and when you are eating it (down to your snacks and cheat foods). Don't be caught off guard by hunger and then just eat the first thing you see. I set my alarm for every 2-3 hours. It goes off and it is time for either my snack or my meal. I prepare a gallon of water every day with time markings on the container. I know that at that time, I have to drink the amount of water down to the next time marking.


At Bfit Athletic Club we are dedicated to your success.  Come join our team of accountability partners and start your transformation today.

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Sunday, February 1, 2015


One year ago I made a vow to myself and my family to take better care of myself and make the necessary lifestyle changes through exercising and better eating habits. I'm proud to say that I am almost at my goal weight and hard work really does pay off! To all of you on this journey, be patient and trust the process!

I have been receiving a lot of questions about my workout plan and eating habits so I thought I'd share.

  • I joined a boot camp [Bfit Athletic Club,] which incorporated cardio and strength training in every workout. DO NOT be afraid of weights if you desired weight loss and toning. 

  • I workout at least 4-5 times a week either at the gym or at home. I have a pinterest page full of high intensity training workouts for the days I workout at home or I run a few miles on my treadmill.

  • I stop using my family as an excuse but instead as motivation. If my husband is unavailable during my gym time then I take my kids with me. If I have to take my kids to extracurricular activities, then I always have my workout equipment (jump rope, kettlebell etc..) with me and workout while waiting. 

  • Surround yourself with people who have the same goals in mind (family, friends, gym buddies). When you lack motivation, this is where you will find it.

  • I purchased an online book called Beyond Diet which teaches you about food. The good and the bad. I highly recommend this book. Its very realistic and not a diet but lifestyle change. It has meal plans incorporated in the book.

  • I plan our meals weekly and type it up in on an excel spreadsheet.

  • Portion control is KEY!! I measure almost everything I eat.

  • Stay away from sugar. Stevia, xylitol are natural alternatives.

  • Drink plenty of water daily. Half of your body weight in ounces. Add fruit, stevia if needed.

  • No white food.  Instead, brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, sprouted whole grain bread (Ezekial bread), etc

  • I'm a foodie so I do enjoy food. When I do eat outside of my plan its in MODERATION.

Being fit is a lifestyle choice.  Come join the Bfit lifestyle.  Call and ask about our new member special 770-845-0527.  click this link for more information